Monthly Archives: November 2018

2018 Shareholder Proposal Trends

Proxy proposals by shareholders are a significant activity for publicly traded companies.

85% of 2018 Shareholder Proposals FailedA study by MyLogIQ shows that only one in seven shareholder proposals in 2018 were successful. So far this year, 300 companies in the Russell 3000 index have faced 495 shareholder proposals.

40% of Proposals Are Sponsored by Small ShareholdersThe data shows that 40%, or 197, of these shareholder proposals were sponsored by individual/small shareholders.  88% of these small shareholder proposals failed, meaning that only 24 passed.

Here is a breakdown of Russell 3000 shareholder proposals for 2018 by sponsor and pass rate:

As the data shows, investment advisors and hedge funds had the most success with shareholder proposals.

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