Please take a look at the step by step process below:
1. From the search panel, click on filter, ‘Form types, Sections, Notes to Financials, Exhibits & Contracts’.
2. Select, ‘Form Itemization’.
3. By default, it should be set to form ’10-K’, but if not, click on ’10-K’.
4. Scroll down the items list and select ‘LD_TOPIC- AUDITOR OPINION’.
5. If needed, insert company name, CIK or ticker in the company search box, adjust date range or select filter, ‘Company Identification Codes, Principals & Properties’, to filter by filer status, SIC group, auditor, etc.
6. Click ‘Search’.
Help Tip #2: Are you looking for a specific keyword and would only like to see it it within tables? What about within a paragraph in relation to percentages or dollar amounts? Did you know you could do both of these actions in the SECAnalyzer™?
There are two ways to filter your keyword search, by ‘quantified text’ or ‘in tables’. By quantified text we mean anything that can be measured, like dates, dollar amounts, percentages, etc. And by in tables, we mean anything in a table-chart like structure.
Please take a look at the step by step process below:
1. Input your keyword in the keyword search box, adjust the date range. If needed choose your filters or input the company name.
2. Below the keyword search box select either, ‘Quantified Text’ or ‘In Tables’ or both.
3. Click ‘Search’
You’re also able to view all results for your search criteria by selecting ‘All’. And if you want to switch between ‘Quantified Text’, ‘In Tables’ or ‘All’ after you’ve made your search, just look for the options in the middle of the screen, above your search results.
It’ll look like the following: