Risk Factors

From ‘Destroying Humanity’ to Product Obsolescence, AI Risks Rise for Boards

Companies are increasingly weighing the risks surrounding artificial intelligence, based on separate reviews of 10-Qs and 10-Ks by public company…

2 years ago

Risk Committees Triple Since 2010

After the financial crisis, regulators put rules in place for large banks and financial institutions to create a board committee…

4 years ago

Boards Look to Directors With Reputational Risk Experience

As companies seek to gird their reputations, boards are looking for new directors with deep corporate affairs backgrounds to help…

4 years ago

The CIO, CISO, Materiality And SEC Cybersecurity Risk Factor Disclosures

For the first time in 30 years, the SEC has updated its risk factor disclosure guidance under Regulation S-K (Reg S-K). One…

4 years ago

SEC Provides New Guidance on Covid-Related Disclosures

Today, the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance (CorpFin) provided new guidance related to disclosures companies should be making in light of…

5 years ago

ESG Risks Trickle Into Financial Filings

Investors in 2019 have increasingly turned their attention to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) topics, and are demanding more information…

5 years ago

Cyber Disclosures Raise Flurry of New Concerns

The largest companies are gradually telling investors more about the pains they’re taking to protect their own information as well…

5 years ago

Pushing Strategy Ahead of the Other Stuff

In private conversations, many board members confide that they’re frustrated that they often run short of time in board meetings…

5 years ago