You’ve Got a New CEO. How Soon Will Your CFO Leave?

Boards often devote plenty of time to succession planning and the compensation aspects of the CEO position, but a key…

3 years ago

The Largest Equity Grants of 2020

A year that included both a market recession and a rebound, 2020 saw equity compensation for named executive officers increase…

3 years ago

Jet Perks Decline in a Year Marked by Travel Lockdowns

Jet perquisite spending reached a three-year low last year as top employees sheltered in place due to the Covid-19 pandemic.…

4 years ago

The Largest Executive Cash Payments of 2020

Last year was an unusual one for executive pay as the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic upended boards’ best-laid plans.…

4 years ago

Execs Who Jump the Line for a Vaccine Risk Backlash

A well-known SoulCycle instructor was met with backlash after getting the Covid-19 vaccine under the guise of an “educator.” MTA board member David Mack is reported to have…

4 years ago

U.S. Companies Revamp Bonus Plans as Pandemic Upends Forecasts

Companies are revising their plans for bonuses and other incentive compensation as the coronavirus pandemic upended financial forecasts and executives…

4 years ago

Amid #MeToo Scandals, Alphabet Lawyer Is Highest-Paid Legal Chief

Top legal officers are becoming increasingly valuable to corporations, at least according to the rising number of digits in some…

5 years ago

Viacom and CBS Executives to Earn Big Bucks in Merger Deal

The merger of Viacom Inc. and CBS Corp. will be lucrative for the top executives of both companies. Viacom Chief Executive Bob Bakish,…

6 years ago