Human Capital

About a Third of Companies Cut Employee Pay in Response to COVID-19, Survey Finds

As bad as the pandemic job losses have been, with around 31 million Americans on unemployment rolls, it could actually have been…

5 years ago

Companies Choose Furloughs Over Layoffs to Manage Coronavirus Slowdown

When meat orders from restaurants, hotels and other food-service clients dried up at two of Hormel Foods Corp.’s plants in April, finance chief…

5 years ago

Investors Probe Companies on Covid-19 Transition Plans

Investors are pushing companies to address things like hazard pay and whether temporary policies and practices related to employees need…

5 years ago

McDonald’s CEO Makes an Hour What the Average Worker Makes a Year

McDonald's Corp. has been among the American companies that pay its workers the least. As some evidence of the ongoing pay problem…

6 years ago

Industrial Firms Report Big Swings in Typical Worker’s Pay

A union job at a shipyard, mine or factory usually comes with a steady paycheck, but some U.S. industrial companies…

6 years ago

McDonald’s CEO Makes an Hour What the Average Worker Makes a Year

McDonald’s Corp. (NYSE: MCD) has been among the American companies that pay its workers the least. As some evidence of the…

6 years ago

Uber Drivers React to CEO Pay

In a highly anticipated announcement, Uber this month took the leap to go public. In the ride-hailing company’s registration statement, the company…

6 years ago

Biden’s Climate Test

Former Vice President Joe Biden (D., Del.) is running for President again. And one of Donald Trump’s 2016 rivals thinks that Mr. Biden…

6 years ago