Executive Compensation

America’s Lowest-Paid CEO

It is the time of year when all major U.S. public companies have filed their 2022 proxies. At least, that…

2 years ago

Walmart CEO Makes 900 Times More Than Its Workers

The debate over CEO pay is decades long. Boards believe their chief executive officers have skills that cannot be replaced.…

2 years ago

McDonald’s CEO Makes 1,200 Times Workers

The debate over CEO pay is decades long. Boards believe their chief executive officers have skills that cannot be replaced.…

2 years ago

This CEO Makes 3,000 Times More Than His Workers

The debate over CEO pay is decades long. Boards believe their chief executive officers have skills that cannot be replaced.…

2 years ago

Netflix CEOs Made $50 Million

Netflix, battered last year by a slowdown in its business, briefly had two CEOs. One was founder Reed Hastings. The…

2 years ago

This CEO Made $100 Million

CEO compensation has been the subject of controversy for years. Many people working for large companies and investors in these…

2 years ago

More Companies Disclose COBRA Payments for Execs in Exit Deals

Companies are increasingly disclosing provisions in separation agreements that include continuing health care coverage for departing executives, according to data…

2 years ago

SEC Clawback Rules May be Broader than Boards Remember

The Securities & Exchange Commission is on the verge of adopting proposed rules that would ultimately require companies to claw…

2 years ago