Employee Pay

About a Third of Companies Cut Employee Pay in Response to COVID-19, Survey Finds

As bad as the pandemic job losses have been, with around 31 million Americans on unemployment rolls, it could actually have been…

5 years ago

McDonald’s CEO Makes an Hour What the Average Worker Makes a Year

McDonald's Corp. has been among the American companies that pay its workers the least. As some evidence of the ongoing pay problem…

6 years ago

Industrial Firms Report Big Swings in Typical Worker’s Pay

A union job at a shipyard, mine or factory usually comes with a steady paycheck, but some U.S. industrial companies…

6 years ago

McDonald’s CEO Makes an Hour What the Average Worker Makes a Year

McDonald’s Corp. (NYSE: MCD) has been among the American companies that pay its workers the least. As some evidence of the…

6 years ago

Uber Drivers React to CEO Pay

In a highly anticipated announcement, Uber this month took the leap to go public. In the ride-hailing company’s registration statement, the company…

6 years ago

Biden’s Climate Test

Former Vice President Joe Biden (D., Del.) is running for President again. And one of Donald Trump’s 2016 rivals thinks that Mr. Biden…

6 years ago

Typical Worker’s Pay Nears $200,000 at Oil Refiner

It was a fruitful year for the rank and file at oil-and-gas companies, from Exxon Mobil Corp. XOM 0.25% to Phillips 66. PSX -2.57% Oil-and-gas drillers and refiners…

6 years ago

Disney Isn’t the Only Company Paying Its CEO 1,000 Times More Than Its Typical Employee Earns

Chief executives have long earned some of the largest paychecks in America, but at what point does their compensation defy…

6 years ago