More Companies Flag a New Risk: Artificial Intelligence

Carlyle Group LP, Inc. and AmTrust Financial Services Inc. are among the growing ranks of companies whose annual shareholder reports now include artificial intelligence as a risk factor.

About 55 companies mentioned AI in the risk-factor section of their annual reports filed to the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2018, more than double the approximately two dozen the prior year, according to Nick Mazing, research director at investment research platform Sentieo Inc.

And in 2016, the number of companies mentioning AI as a risk in SEC filings was practically nonexistent, say MyLogIQ and Calcbench Inc., two other providers of public company data.

Is the SEC Failing Investors on Cyber-Security Risk?

Hackers hack weakness. They are efficient at finding it and work relentlessly to exploit it. Now, new moves by the SEC are raising questions about whether the regulator is taking the right steps to protect America’s capital markets and investors. Warren Buffett recently declared at the 2018 Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting that cyber risk “is uncharted territory. It’s going to… Continue reading Is the SEC Failing Investors on Cyber-Security Risk?