‘Mission First:’ Military Directors More Likely to Hold CEOs Accountable

Boards have been steadily reinforcing their ranks through the addition of more directors with military experience in recent years. Veterans can add leadership and strategic perspectives, but also tactical skills, such as cybersecurity expertise, sources said. Boards with military experience are also known to hold CEOs to account more effectively than those made up entirely… Continue reading ‘Mission First:’ Military Directors More Likely to Hold CEOs Accountable

Director Details: Who’s at the Table in 2024

A look at the demographics and skills of S&P 500 directors. Corporate boards have greater racial and gender diversity than ever before, new data on S&P 500 companies shows. …Other demographics for directors, such as median age, have remained little changed, according to figures from the public company intelligence provider MyLogIQ.

Hanging Around: More 65+ CEOs Stay On the Job

Within the next five years, major corporations from JPMorgan Chase to The Walt Disney Co. could be placed under new leadership as their current chief executives eye their exits. Overall, more than one in 10 CEOs at S&P 500 firms have already hit the traditional retirement age. And another nearly 15% could reach age 65… Continue reading Hanging Around: More 65+ CEOs Stay On the Job

Boards Named Slew of First-Time Directors This Fall

Large companies have seen significant board turnover in the past several months, capping off a year of increased focus from stakeholders on individual directors’ skill sets and board refreshment. Companies also appointed a large number of directors with government connections. Some 80% of S&P 500 directors currently say they have government and/or regulatory relations experience,… Continue reading Boards Named Slew of First-Time Directors This Fall

Calls to Split CEO, Chair Roles Set to Continue in 2024

Shareholder proposals calling for splitting up the CEO and chair roles soared this past proxy season, as corporate governance proponents pushed their long-standing arguments that dual roles are bad for both working efficiency and corporate oversight. Of the 79 proposals that went to a vote this past season, 41 came from Chevedden, ICS said. Among… Continue reading Calls to Split CEO, Chair Roles Set to Continue in 2024

America’s Bosses Just Won’t Quit. That Could Spell Trouble.

Of the many worries that whirl around the minds of chief executives, few are more unsettling than the question of succession. Having toiled their way to the top of the corporate ladder, many bosses struggle to imagine relinquishing control and placing their legacy in the hands of another. A growing number of America’s bosses have… Continue reading America’s Bosses Just Won’t Quit. That Could Spell Trouble.

Commitments to Diversity Are Increasing. So Too Is the Litigation.

Companies have ramped up their pledges to increase diversity over the last few years, and while they largely may not see these programs as a risk, research shows there has been an uptick in litigation relating to diversity issues filed against U.S. companies since 2020. While experts highlight the many benefits companies reap from increasing… Continue reading Commitments to Diversity Are Increasing. So Too Is the Litigation.

Cyber Expertise Needs Vetting as Boards Seek Crucial Skill

In recent years, search firms have been flooded by requests for director candidates with cybersecurity backgrounds as boards seek to leverage this expertise when responding to rising cyber risks. …Over the past five years, companies in both the Russell 3000 and S&P 500 have seen the number of directors boasting cybersecurity expertise climb by the… Continue reading Cyber Expertise Needs Vetting as Boards Seek Crucial Skill