
The WSJ CEO Pay Ranking

Median pay reached $12.4 million for CEOs of the biggest U.S. companies in 2018, setting a fourth straight post-recession high…

6 years ago

S&P 500 Companies’ Highest and Lowest Paid CEOs of 2018

David M. Zaslav, the president and chief executive officer of media company Discovery, Inc., came in at No. 1 with…

6 years ago

Biotech Is Place to Be for Top Salaries

In biotechnology, the rank and file are well-to-do. Many of the highest-paying employers in the health-care sector—and the entire S&P…

6 years ago

A Tale of Two Scandals: Wells Fargo and Equifax

Wells Fargo and Equifax each suffered embarrassing corporate disasters in the recent past. Yet the companies are at much different points in their…

6 years ago

Bob Iger Rebuilt The Magic Kingdom—And It’s Likely Made Him Richer Than A Disney Heir

Over the past two weeks, Robert Iger, the CEO of Disney, has made headlines not for Disney’s Avengers box office performance or…

6 years ago

Taser Chief Gets $246 Million Stock-Option Award

The company that sells Tasers to police departments around the world paid its chief executive $246 million last year, according…

6 years ago

McDonald’s CEO Makes an Hour What the Average Worker Makes a Year

McDonald’s Corp. (NYSE: MCD) has been among the American companies that pay its workers the least. As some evidence of the…

6 years ago

Uber Drivers React to CEO Pay

In a highly anticipated announcement, Uber this month took the leap to go public. In the ride-hailing company’s registration statement, the company…

6 years ago