CEO Pay Ratio

Are America’s CEOs overpaid?

“We’re fed up with falling behind,” declared Shawn Fain, the boss of America’s United Auto Workers (UAW), last month after…

1 year ago

Auto CEOs Make 300 Times What Workers Make. How That Stacks Up.

United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain has criticized the Big Three automakers for the raises given to their CEOs in…

1 year ago

Walmart CEO Makes 900 Times More Than Its Workers

The debate over CEO pay is decades long. Boards believe their chief executive officers have skills that cannot be replaced.…

2 years ago

McDonald’s CEO Makes 1,200 Times Workers

The debate over CEO pay is decades long. Boards believe their chief executive officers have skills that cannot be replaced.…

2 years ago

This CEO Makes 3,000 Times More Than His Workers

The debate over CEO pay is decades long. Boards believe their chief executive officers have skills that cannot be replaced.…

2 years ago

This CEO Made Almost 2,000 Times More Than His Employees

CEO pay has been described as obscenely high by investors, worker activists, and the press. How, these groups ask, can…

3 years ago

McDonald’s CEO Made 1,100 Times What His Workers Did

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has long required public corporations to disclose the compensation of their top officers. The…

4 years ago