The Diverse Board 2020
June 16, 2021

This NACD Blue Ribbon report–The 2020 Update of the Diverse Board–uses CompanyIQ® corporate governance and diversity data to look at the critical ESG metric of diversity on corporate boards.
This report was refreshed in 2020 from the original version published in 2012 with new data and guidance generated from more recent NACD Blue Ribbon Commissions as sidebars. While the data has been modified, the core teachings and recommended actions remain original to the 2012 report. A set of practical tools has been added in 2020 to help directors to implement the recommended actions of this Blue Ribbon Commission report.
Corporate boards will face a new set of challenges in the years ahead as major economic and social trends transform the way our companies operate. Not only is global competition growing, but here at home we also see shifting demographics, new customer bases, and increased public focus on diversity in the boardroom and broader workforce. How directors handle these changes can determine the success or failure of the companies they serve.
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