24/7 Wall Street

Only 11% of S&P 500 Companies Have CEOs of Color, and It Gets Worse …

A new study titled “The Face of Corporate America” examines the racial and gender figures for S&P 500 chief executive officers. The…

5 years ago

50 Highest Paid CEOs in 2019

As companies around the world struggle to mitigate the damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic, executive leadership is being put…

5 years ago

These Companies Paid Their Boards Over $10 Million

Chief executive officer pay levels have become part of a heated debate about how much public company leaders should be…

6 years ago

Board Members Who Make More Than $1 Million

At a number of major American companies, compensation for board of director members has come under fire from shareholders in…

6 years ago

This Executive Made $108 Million and Is Not a CEO

CEO pay has become a bone of contention between the boards of some public companies and their shareholders. How can…

6 years ago

McDonald’s CEO Makes an Hour What the Average Worker Makes a Year

McDonald’s Corp. (NYSE: MCD) has been among the American companies that pay its workers the least. As some evidence of the…

6 years ago

These CEOs Make 1,000 Times More Than Their Employees

The typical employee of The Gap, Inc., the company behind Old Navy, Banana Republic, and Gap clothing brands, earns just…

6 years ago

30 S&P 500 CEOs with 20 Years or More on the Job

Keeping a job, any job, for 20 years or more is becoming rarer and rarer. The feat may be uniquely…

6 years ago