Are Check Marks ‘Cheap Talk’ in Board Skills Matrices?

5 months ago

Disclosures about directors' skills and expertise are increasingly coming under the microscope as investors ramp up calls to link board…

Boards Looking for ‘Soft Skills’ in New Crop of CEOs

6 months ago

On Jan. 1, several of the nation's biggest companies — including Morgan Stanley, Kraft Heinz, Sherwin Williams and Costco —…

Boards Named Slew of First-Time Directors This Fall

7 months ago

Large companies have seen significant board turnover in the past several months, capping off a year of increased focus from…

Calls to Split CEO, Chair Roles Set to Continue in 2024

7 months ago

Shareholder proposals calling for splitting up the CEO and chair roles soared this past proxy season, as corporate governance proponents…

Pay Metrics Proliferate for REIT CEOs Amid Sector Turbulence

8 months ago

Chief executive officers at the top 15 public real estate investment trusts all earned upward of $4 million last year,…

Are America’s CEOs overpaid?

9 months ago

“We’re fed up with falling behind,” declared Shawn Fain, the boss of America’s United Auto Workers (UAW), last month after…

SEC Drops New Comp Disclosure Rules

9 months ago

The SEC has revisited its pay-versus-performance disclosure rule with a fresh batch of question-and-answer guidance about various technical aspects of…

Auto CEOs Make 300 Times What Workers Make. How That Stacks Up.

9 months ago

United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain has criticized the Big Three automakers for the raises given to their CEOs in…

See How Much Corporate Leaders Make Compared with Their Employees

10 months ago

From fiery speeches on union picket lines to pointed shareholder resolutions, criticism of CEO pay packages has taken on new…

How the Pay Gap Between Employees and CEOs Impacts Workers, According to Experts

10 months ago

Money can, in fact, buy happiness: A much publicized 2010 study found that employees needed to earn $75,000 per year…