$100M+ CEO Pay Packages in the R3000 2012-2021
By: MyLogIQ
July 12, 2022

Once extremely rare, there has been a significant increase in CEO pay packages of more than $100M in the last two years among Russell 3000 (R3000) companies.
These mega executive compensation deals were almost non-existent just five years ago, with none in 2012 to a high of 16 in 2020. Over the past decade, the R3000 has seen a total of 47 $100M+ CEOs.
At $2.3B, the biggest pay package in the last decade was awarded to Tesla CEO Elon Musk in 2018.
The other billion dollar plus compensation plan, at $1.1B, went to Palantir Technologies CEO Alexander Karp in 2020.
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